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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Art comes in many forms.

Art is subjective. One artist's vision will not always translate to the same interpretation by another. Art can be visual: paintings, sculptures, drawings, printmaking, costumes, computer graphics, lithography, calligraphy, and also photography! There are many forms of performance art, conceptual art and textile arts. For the sake of simplicity, we are discussing the visual art of photography. Specifically, photography created with use of a smartphone, the most readily-available camera the public owns!

You can expect from this blog:

  • definitions and original examples of basic artistic terms to share an understanding of why photography can be aesthetically pleasing
  • a weekly smartphone photography challenge to encourage interaction
  • straightforward explanations of artistic terms
  • references to helpful applications and tools
  • tips on choosing an appropriate username
  • both photographer and smartphone-user etiquette tips
  • everyday tips and tricks to enhance your photography experience
  • an available connection for questions and comments on you entries

1 comment:

  1. This blog looks great. It's something I'd be interested in reading. I use to be a graphic artist years ago. I also had some experience in photography. I look forward to reading more about photography as an art. I also look forward to seeing some of your work.
